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This software is an awakening softwarein the way of using the mouse, it offers 4 different fun activities.
->Learning how tomove the mouse: the studentmust passthecursor overobjectswhile avoidingothers.This section alsoallows students to developa notion ofthe size of thecursor.
->Learning how toclick: the student mustclick on different objectswhich thenset in motion.
->Learnhow to doubleclick: same as thesecondpartbutby double-clicking.
->Learning how todrag: the student mustmove foodtofeedthemonster.
With this software, Multimice®New can provide interaction by giving out hand to different students quickly during the activity. It also allows the teacher to check the ability to use the mouse for each student.
Game sheet
This software allows thelearningof geographyplaying withcountries, capitals, regions and flags.
A map is displayed, the name of thecity, countryorregionasked isdisplayed next to thecursor, you must thenselectthe right point.According tothe number ofmistakes you make, thebackground colorof the namechanges.
Forflags,various flagswill be displayed, click on the appropriate askedcountryflag.
HereMultimice®Newwillallow to interrogatestudents one by oneand to test theirknowledge.
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Sweet Home 3D
Use in tandem with Multimice®New, this software allows a class to create 3D plans for a home and develop students thinking about the layout of the space and construction.
A set of tools is available including a wide range of walls, doors, windows, appliances...
The teacher can give out the hand to students expressing an idea so they can achieve it. Each student brings his/her idea and is including in the course, various suggestions are made, and a discussion is created making the lesson more dynamic. The final planwill be theresult of a collectivework.
Multimice®Newwill alloweach student toexpress an ideaand thuswill lead toa collective andinteractive work.
Sweet Home 3D
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The GeoGebra software can draw mathematical objects such as circles, lines, angles, functions,...
This application, associated with NewMultimice®, allows the teacher to designate a studentso hecan trace figures, handing over to another student if he/she needs help...
When you create a circle, the diameter is displayed automatically, when you create an angle measurement of the angle is also shown, this is available for other tools too.
This is a great educational tool for interaction during math lessons.
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Mathilde's clock
Mathilde's clock is a valuable teaching aid to learn to tell time. This program is for 6-8 years old children . It is for you to place the hands on a clock whose dial shows the hours (1, 2, 3, etc..) But also shows the minutes (10, 15, 20, etc..). The software does not offer exercises to test the child,it is up to the adult to question the child.
Used with the Multimice®New software, the teacher can give a hand to each student one by one so that all participate in the activity.
L'horloge de Mathilde |
LEGO® Digital Designer
The freeware LEGO ® Digital Designer offers unique opportunities for computer design. Indeed, it offers an impressive collection of pieces: from bricks to construct buildings to hair’s characters you want to integrate...With this software all you have in mind is feasible!
Tools allow you to insert a wall paper, to blow your picture, to make it appear too…
A model library is also available on the website, it allows you to import saved templates.
Educative Aspect
This software has a lot of educative aspects, first, it allows developing the space notion, indeed the construction is done in 3D; the student can see all sides of what is being built.
This software is a real awakening in computer design, indeed you find similar interface for Computer Aided Design software.
It also has an option to review the design of a registered object, which allows each student to learn how to reproduce this item.
Moreover, for younger students, this software is a fun way to learn how to use a computer mouse.
Game sheet
This program includes 8 fun activities:
->Playing with letters: a screen appears, when you press a letter key, the letter is read aloud in English and appears in large letter on the screen. You can then draw on the letter with different colors.
->Playing withalphabet: the letters of the alphabet are present on the screen, by clicking on it or by pressing the keyboard letters, the letter is read aloud in English and background changes color.
->Draw: a black screen appears, you can draw what you want with different color and a small library of symbols that you can incorporate into your drawing (heart, hat, butterfly, star ...).
->Playing with numbers: the list of numbers appears, by clicking on the number, it is read in English, its background changes color and its representation is displayed (if you click on 3, 3 apples or 3 pears or others will appear).
->Draw: a black screen appears. Each key corresponds to a symbol that appears on the screen when you press the button. You can then draw on this symbol.
->Playing with colors: A set of color appears on the screen by clicking on it, the color will be read aloud in English. You can also paint on the black background.
->Recognizeletters: a letter appears on the screen and is read aloud in English, you will need to press the right key.
->Searchthe intruder: 6 pictures appear on the screen, one of them has not its place, find it.
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Timez Attack
Timez Attack is a free educational software that is intended for elementary students because it allows them to learn the multiplication tables in a fun way.
Goal: to help a little character out in a maze solving multiplications. Throughout the adventure, the hero faces ogres involve multiplication on the belly: the player to solve by typing the result as soon as possible on the keyboard to move forward. At first, the operations are simple but the difficulty gradually increases.
The whole is remarkably achieved: the graphics and the world of Timez Attack have everything to please younger who find here a fun way to learn their multiplication tables if traditional methods were not sufficient.
2 +2 is a program of aid to learning basic math operations. Thanks to him the child learns additions, subtractions, multiplications, divisions, comparisons of numbers and counting.
Captivating exercises, an intuitive approach, nice music, very attractive graphics and a friendly dialogue, everything is done to ensure that children come on their own to learn math.
2+2 |
Intrus is an awakening software that offers a fun activity of detecting the intruder in a series of images.
At each level a screen is displayed with four boxes, you need to find an intruder in each box. The difficulty increases gradually.
This software introduces the concept of color, space and orientation; it allows you to developessential notions of observations for students.
Using with theMultimice®Newsoftware, the teacher can give a hand to each student one by one so that all participate in the activity.
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Heure Bis
The software HeureBis allows to learn how to tell the time.
It offers different possibilities, the teacher can choose to display the numbers or not, he can also decide if the student has to find the time and write the correct answer using the keyboard, or if the student should position the hands properly to display the time indicated.
Associated withMultimice®New software, thisfreeware allows a teacher to give hand to each student to check the capabilities of his/her class.
This play allows a better reflection and understanding from the students.
Heure Bis
Game sheet
The Carreaux software allows to revise multiplication tables.
Tiles where are inscribed numbers appear on the screen. On the right, you find a multiplication; the student must break the tile containing the result of this multiplication by clicking.
The Multimice®New software will allow the teacher to interrogate each student. Carreaux and Multimice® New combined mix business and pleasure for both the teacher and the students.
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Espace is an educational game developing a sense of the organization of space for students.
Two grids are displayed on the screen, where several objects are present. The aim of this game is to correctly position the object in the upper right as shown in the small grid.
Espace is a set of reproduction space.
Used withMultimice® New,this software allows the teacher to test the understanding of his class against this delicate exercise that is a reproduction of a picture.
Game sheet
TheForet software is a tool to learn the difference between “leur" and "leurs" in French grammar.
Two treesare represented: one has at its feet a "leur" label, and the other has a "leurs” label. The student must take the chain saw and cut the wrong tree.
This educative freewarecan be optimized with the use of Multimice® New software. Indeed, the teacher can make each students participate by giving them the hand, so it’s creating more interactivity.
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Clone 2
The Clone2 software is an awakening educational game.
On the screenis displayed several columns, the left contain a figure associated with a color. The other three on the right contains a figure associated with a number.
The objectiveis to find the figure, identical to the figure on the left, in the right columns, then to associate the right color with the right number.
Associated withMultimice® New, this game allows a great interactivity and a reflection on the colors, shapes and numbers.
Clone 2
Game sheet
Logique is an awakening freeware.
It has several levels. Each time, the student must find the right figures from those available at the bottom to complete the two logical sequences displayed.
The difficulty increases progressively according to levels.
Multimice® New will allow the teacher to engage all students of his/her class, so they are involving in the activity.
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Mariageis a freeware for learning how read and write.
Students willcombine lowercase letters with uppercase letters.
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Memopluis an educational software to learn French grammar.
It works like amemory where you must associate the plural of a word with its singular.
The teachercan choose 20 or 30 cards and can decide to put a timer or not.
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Memory is an educational software for learning how to count.
Students mustassociate a number with an image including a number of fingers.
The teacher canchoose to display 10 or 20 cards.
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Mesure is a freeware for learning how to measure the perimeter of different objects.
For this, thestudent can use the rules at her/his disposal.
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Poisson is an educationalsoftware.
The aimis, for the student, to reproduce symmetrically the displayed image.
This gameallows you to show the importance of the geometric tool which is the symmetry.
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